How to Use SUMIF in Excel 2013

The SUMIF feature in Excel 2013 is a handy tool that allows users to add up values in a range of cells. However, it is different from the regular AutoSum feature that you are probably familiar with in the sense that you can set up a certain criteria and ensure that only those cells that meet that criteria are added to the total. Learning how to use SUMIF in Excel 2013 is useful because you can set up complicated criteria that relate to multiple rows and columns. Only if you get a hang of how to use SUMIF in Excel 2013 can you take advantage of this powerful feature!

Step 1: Launch Excel 2013

Step 2: Open a document in which you wish to use SUMIF and select the cell where you want the sum to appear

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Step 3: Click on the Formulas tab

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Step 4: Click on the AutoSum arrow and choose More Functions… from the dropdown list that appears

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Step 5: In the Select a Function list that appears in the Insert Function menu, choose SUMIF and then click OK

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Step 6: Enter in the function arguments in the menu that appears. Range refers to the range of cells you want to be considered in the summation process. Criteria is the criteria that should be met in order for a particular cell to be included in the total. Sum_range is the range that is summed in case the first range meets the specified criteria. Once you have entered in the function arguments, Click OK and Excel will perform your SUMIF function

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Step 7: Alternatively, you can also use the following syntax for SUMIF. =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)

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